Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Unit Test 2 Question papers for diploma

2nd Unit Test Questions
UNIT TEST-II: November 2012                                Maximum Marks :20
Semester : 6th                                       Subject Code & Name: DCCN
Section- A
Answer all questions (5*2=10)
1.                  List HTTP Commands
2.                 Write about WWW.
3.                 Write about DNS Server
4.                 Write about uses of UDP.
5.                 What is repeater and Bridge
Answer any two questions 5*2=10
1.                   Explain the layers of TCP/IP.
2.                  Describe packet switching and circuit switching.
3.                  Explain how E-mail works

Unit test-II SET-2
Section- A
1.                   Write about PPP (or) write about PSTN
2.                  Write about remote login
3.                  Write about active and passive open connections in TCP/IP.
4.                  Explain working of LAN
5.                  List different WLAN topologies.
Answer any two questions 5*2=10
1.                   Functions of OSI Layers
2.                  Explain ISDN Architecture.
3.                  Explain working of Web Server
Unit test-II SET-3
Section- A  
1.                   Write about features of TCP/IP.
2.                  Explain router and routing process.
3.                  Write applications of WAP.
4.                  Write about ARPANET.
5.                  Write about ARP protocols.

1.                  Explain Ethernet Frame Format
2.                 Explain High Level Architecture of ISP.
3.                 Explain web browser architecture

signals are continuous in nature.